Saturday, September 14, 2013

Vacancy Caucus

Public Notice

A public meeting of the Middletown Realistic Balance Party will be held at 6 PM on Tuesday, October the First, 2013 at the Public Gazebo immediately downstream of the Mattabesset Canoe Club


1) Fill any vacancy among Municipal Candidates

2) Adopt resolution on referendum question on the ballot

3) Clean up area a la Bums with Brooms

4) Listen to tango music


Fred Carroll

Chairman of the Middletown Realistic Balance Party

John Kilian

Secretary of the Middletown Realistic Balance Party

1 comment:

  1. 1.5) Absentee ballots shall be signed by the absent party elector and signed by another party elector who must attend any caucus at which such ballot is to be cast.(Amended 10/2/2013)
